FSLogix Profiles configured to use a decent redirections.xml file to remove useless bloat from the profile. 0 Likes . CCDUnregisterTimeout is set to specify the number of seconds to wait prior to allowing a user session to be closed, even if a successful flush to a Cloud Cache provider hasn't occurred. With Storage Sense enabled and correctly configured, you can avoid the profile filled up with local copy of OneDrive data. Verify that you understand the implications of changing the default value of this setting prior to making changes. In the FSLogix \x64\Release folder, run FSLogixAppsSetup.exe. Also, there is an XML file in the \\FS01\Profiles location that excludes the Desktop and Documents folders from being included in the FSLogix PC. There was no requirement here to provide resiliency, merely the capacity to absorb an unprecedented and exceptional uplift of user numbers. 1: Only when the ODFC container is attached, the Outlook setting that enables cached mode is temporarily set until the container is detached. Oh you mean this https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/fslogix/configure-per-user-per-group-ht this wouldnt have helped in this situation, we would still have the overhead of managing the groups and where they map to and what happens when those shares reach capacity and having to move AD groups if we want to move the users. 2: When a new VHD is created and there are contents in the local OST folder, they're moved to the VHD before the user is given access. Specifies a string pattern used when matching a users ODFC container. VHD location is currently set through GPO and creates the users profile inside of folder called firstinital.surname. It is a file-based replication solution meaning that it suffers from the same challenges that all file-based replication engines do, and has a nasty history across many deployments. Specifies the storage type and location of Cloud Cache remote containers. Check the box next to I agree to the license terms and conditions and click Install. Newest version may be better but I would advise testing. The ODFC container isn't configured*. 1: ODFC container doesn't use or create a SID containing folder for the VHD(x) file. Before Cloud Cache you could in FSLogix set multiple paths for the VHD-files and it would automatically check the second path specified if the first was unavailable, the problem was that you needed to set up the replication between the two file locations yourself, and that was complicated since the VHD-disks will be locked during use, and it . 0: Don't roam credentials and tokens within the container. This model is simple to implement; however, in terms of HA, offers a single point of failure for container access. A new one will only be created if it does not exist on ANY of the configured file shares. Migrate existing profiles into a VHD (X) container with frx.exe. Using CcdMaxCacheSizeInMBs causes FSLogix to perform extra steps including, re-writing data that may have once been in local cache, maintain a manifest of flushed data, and other tasks which require significant compute resources. A lot of people will say why not just use Cloud Cache, but there are a number of reasons around this. If the VHD path doesn't exist, it's created before it checks if a VHD(x) exists in the path. I have an upcoming project, almost finalized where I have pitched CloudCache to fulfilling all the requirements. If the value is nonexistent, then the robocopy results aren't logged at all. To consume and utilise traditional NTFS style Access Control Lists (ACLs) you will require, To bypass the requirement of ADDS above, FSLogix can be configured to access the Network Location for storing containers as the computer object. replied to OffColour1972 Jan 23 2020 01:40 AM . Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. e. The least time duration that we can set for a Cloud storage dehydration threshold in Storage Sense is 1 day or 24 hrs. FSLogix uses the VHDLocations or CCDLocations as the location where to search and this setting defines what to create. It is, however, once again, a file-based solution so will not be able to replicate mounted containers or locked files. This model also introduces a requirement for something to handle the replication of containers across both locations in a consistent fashion (more on this later). These registry items are orphaned entries referring to users. Editing this file may cause unexpected results and the file is overwritten at each sign out. Whoosh! Im a bit confused by this, as all the script does is set the VHDLocations to a setting ordered by disk space. We have upwards of 500 on some file shares and not seeing any issues (nothing reported, anyway). Cloud Cache can be utilised with any technology that VHDLocations can work with, allowing for active-active profiles across both on-premises and cloud-based locations. Some of these entries persistent post profile deletion and may cause long term issues. Storage that is appropriate for the local cache VHD(x) will have performance and availability characteristics similar to SSD or NVMe attached storage. 1: Enables legacy roaming for credentials and tokens created by the Web Account Manager (WAM) system. You can also run it as a Scheduled Task if you want. We continue to work with our Identity teams on a long term solution. 2. Click on Apply . FSLogicX profile locations Hello, im testing FSLogicX on RDS, looks like everything works fine except that if i created registry key VHDLocations with two different locations and for example one location is down, FSLogicX does not load profile or create from another location. Note This setting is used with the SizeInMBs setting to manage the size of profile containers. Im just performing some testing using this script before rolling it out. This setting affects both Profile and ODFC containers. If all the user data can be synced back, how much inconvenience is it to lose a profile (and map this against the storage requirements)? Outlook must be configured for online mode for this feature to work. 0: Office activation data isn't redirected to the container. Logging is done as SYSTEM when logging to a local drive, and as the Computer Object when logging to a network share. This setting is used when VHDAccessMode is set to (3). When a user logs on, FSLogix iterates through the entire list of VHDLocations searching for an existing profile. Remote desktops and applications are a critical, and growing, part of the IT strategy for many businesses. If ClearCacheOnLogoff is set, the local cache is deleted, even if the data in the local cache hasn't been flushed to a Cloud Cache provider. Specifies the location of the local proxy stub file. CCDLocations should be used instead of VHDLocations. This allows user data to be recovered from the local cache, however the local cache VHD(x) must then be managed (deleted) manually after user data is restored. $3,250,000. The environment in question was already using FSLogix Profile Containers. Specifies the path where difference disks are created when VHDAccessMode is configured to use them. When using this configuration setting, be sure the. However, this didnt take into account OneDrive data, which was also scheduled to be synchronised into the profile VHD. We recommend to use a separate profile container per host pool, while having two active sessions. Leveraging Service Endpoints on Azure vNets for Storage should help to reduce the impact. A single profile container is created for the user. And i tested it and it works well. The path supports the use of the FSLogix custom variables or any environment variables that are available to the user during the sign in process. These settings are only applicable if the LoggingEnabled setting is set to 1. Since the user profile is mounted to Windows 10 VDI upon log on, when the VHDX profile is disconnected, everything stops working. These settings will accept the list of custom environment variables and any variables available during the user's sign in. Figure 3: Cloud Cache (primary / failover) | FSLogix Cloud Cache (CCDLocations). The algorithm for removing blocks from local cache is a black box, it isn't configurable and isn't documented. The user logins, how does the machine know to reference the script? SDDL string representing the ACLs to use when attaching the VHD(x). There are two ways of defining profile locations in the FSLogix world. Setting the value to 0 may cause the permanent deletion of the user session data stored in the local cache, without the protections built in through CcdUnregisterTimeout and ClearCacheOnForcedUnregister. Use this setting to define how FSLogix attempts to create a users ODFC container (VHD(x) file). Host A has a maximum of 10 users, and CcdMaxCacheSizeInMBs set to 1000 MB (1 GB), and the host has 20 GB of disk space available. This setting is recommended for troubleshooting only. First port of call was Citrix infrastructure, which all looked good. By default, the local cache VHD(x) isn't removed when the user signs out. For a while now my friend Brandon Mitchell and I have been throwing ideas back and forward around how we see things unfold with profile management across multiple resource locations, both from a Citrix UPM and FSLogix perspective. 14 Baths. The user receives the default prompt to call support, and the users only option is to sign out. Registry Path: HKLM:\SOFTWARE\FSLogix\Profiles\ Registry Path: HKLM:\SOFTWARE\FSLogix\Profiles\ObjectSpecific\S---00-000000000-0000000000-000000000-1234\ CcdMaxCacheSizeInMBs specifies the maximum local cache size in megabytes, per user, during normal operation. Change the value to the number of seconds a user's sign out is delayed if the number of available providers is less than the value specified in HealthyProvidersRequiredForUnregister. When using FSLogix the OST file is in the container and isn't as visible. Assume a user dumping Gigs of data in One Drive local cache folder before leaving for his/her vacation. I ran the script on one workstation and it worked and created the profile on the share with the most resource. Using CcdMaxCacheSizeInMBs increases storage I/O and network traffic. However, the DFS namespace controls where that data lands and in which order. 0: Normal direct access behavior. This can simply be added to by provisioning additional file servers and volumes and adding them to the list in the script, so their new capacity will be instantly utilized. There's no profile recovery as the user's create new profiles in the new location. This is important because many applications cannot be used with configuration stored remotely. The AppxPackages.xml file is not meant to be edited or modified. This mode shouldn't be used if the ODFC container is being used with Outlook Cached Exchange mode. When enabled, this setting creates a redirection for the user's specific Recycle Bin into the VHD(x) container. You should also use one of the tools to shrink the .VHDX files. 0: VHD(x) is of a fixed size and the size on disk is fully allocated. The following settings are applicable to Cloud Cache configurations. Host A has a maximum of ten (10) users, and CcdMaxCacheSizeInMBs set to 1000 MB (1 GB), and the host has 20 GB of disk space available. When configuring logging to a network share, be sure to grant access for the Computer Object to the network share and the folder. When using the script ive noticed that it creates it with firstinitial.surname_SID. We have swap directory name components set so this causes new containing directories to be named with the username first followed by the SID. Cloud Cache is not limited to Blob Storage in Azure. The path supports the use of the FSLogix custom variables or any environment variables that are available to the user during the sign in process. 5,941 Hi Guys, we have been using UPM looking to move over to FSlogix Profile Containers. It populates both the Profile Containers and ODFC Registry values for VHDLocations, but if you dont use both, it wont make any difference the unused one is just ignored. The AppxPackages.xml file can be found at: %APPDATALOCAL%\FSLogix\AppxPackages.xml. Essentially, as long as the script was run often enough for the volume of new user onboarding, the profiles would be load balanced across the file shares. This value would then be written to the FSLogix Registry value for VHDLocations. Simply placing a Distributed File System Namespace in front of one or many SMB locations. All the MS documentation is proclaiming the . FSLogix uses the VHDLocations or CCDLocations as the location where to search and this setting defines what to search. The ideas and concepts in these examples should inform your unique organizational requirements. As with any multi VHD location-based architecture, there is a requirement to replicate the containers. Depending on the size of your FSLogix profile containers and Office containers, doing so could translate into significant delays that could impact user performance. This example removes the Object-Specific configuration as the multi-regional components adds complexity. The ODFC container isn't configured*. The path supports the use of the FSLogix custom variables or any environment variables that are available to the user during the sign in process. As far as FSLogix is concerned, again it too has an additional overhead to plan disk shrinking/compressing. One Azure file share support up to 100 TB so it can handle around 2500 users with 40 GB disk each. Various setting combinations could cause local profile data to be discarded with no Cloud Cache providers being updated. XML file contains various entries with moderate complexity. The type accepts either smb or azure. This configuration is not load balancing between the two sites, rather we're relying on users only having access to a single location. FSLogix allows for multiple paths to be defined to allow for failover should one location be unavailable. 2: A difference disk is used on the local machine. Below are the FSLogix GPO settings applied to Windows 10 Golden image, which then gets deployed to 250+ VDI. Unfortunately it looks like its not detecting if a user currently has a profile. So with this being run, our users are directed to any one of (in this particular case) twelve file shares of 16TB each. Specifies the maximum size of the user's container in megabytes. If a user accesses a system where it's desirable to have the local cache VHD(x) deleted when they sign out, set this value to 1. Specifies a log file name and path where the output of the robocopy commands (for example, during mirroring of data in or out of a VHD) are stored. Path where FSLogix looks for the redirections.xml file to copy from and into the user's profile. 1: Deletes local profile if exists and matches the profile container. FSLogix uses the VHDLocations or CCDLocations as the location where to search and this setting defines what to search. A growing number of these environments are non-persistent, requiring a graceful set of tools to manage applications and user profiles. Tuffy Titan. We decided on this due to the requirement to keep profiles lean. The natural response to this problem is usually to front some DFS onto multiple shares, but several reasons prevented this a) I hate DFS, b) there were authentication issues between the various domains in use and DFS would have exacerbated this, and c) directing users to DFS file shares seemed no more intelligent than simply directing them to a list of Windows file shares. The settings are created in the following location: When set to '0', the specific settings for each log file are ignored and all log files are disabled. Use this setting to define how FSLogix attempts to locate a users profile or ODFC container. If a Cloud Cache provider doesn't become available during the time of the user session, then the user is prevented from signing out (discussed in HealthyProviderRequiredForUnregister). The connectionString for smb type must include the full UNC path to the file share. XML file contains minimal entries with minor complexity. The Standard + Disaster Recovery configuration example expands on the Standard example through duplicate, powered down infrastructure in another region. There are native tools, and there are 3rd party tools that I have utilised in different scenarios, a couple of free options are noted below: DFS-R is inbuilt to the Distributed File System technology within Windows and offers a decent level of replication capability for keeping two locations in sync. The profile location is set to \\FS01\Profiles\%Username%. The following settings allow configuration of Cloud Cache behavior during disk register (associated with user sign-in) and disk unregister (associated with user sign out) events. If running as a Scheduled Task, obviously this also needs to include the user the task is configured to run as. Products: Profile Containers: Put users' profile folder (\users\<username) in a VHD(x) and connect at logon to roam profiles without streaming. Use these examples as a starting point of your FSLogix configuration. In fact now that youve said that we have 3231 on one file share. Cloud Cache settings are only valid when used with, Requires FSLogix v2009 or later (2.9.7654.46150), 0: The user sign out is held until the number of providers specified in, 0: Retains the local cache when the storage provider is unregistered when the, 1: Removes all local cache when the storage provider is unregistered when the. When CcdMaxCacheSizeInMBs is set, the local cache is allowed to expand to the maximum size, at which point blocks are removed from the local cache as they're written to the remote Cloud Cache providers. This solution is unreal for enhancing and filling the shortcomings of Robocopy with an extremely thorough and well-designed user interface. Specifies a string pattern used when matching a users profile container. Adding unnecessary complexity leads to incorrect configurations and support cases. Why let my storage grow. Blob storage was the first available option for Azure native storage consumption when leveraging FSLogix Cloud Cache, allowing for an individual blob to be created per user in an Azure Storage Account. The major drawback is the experience and training for end users is a critical component for success. This is a very important consideration in every Profile Containers deployment, and its really impossible to tell without sending users into the environment to test it. 1513 E Campus Drive. And even if we manage to replicate the VHDs, there is no seamless failover if the primary location is unavailable. 1: ODFC container overwrites the previous user setting with the GPO setting. 1: Sharepoint data is redirected to the container. 2: Shutdown when a FSLogix user signs out. Multiple VHDLocations Object-Specific VHDLocations The default VHDLocations is used for any user or group not matched by the object-specific configuration. Typically environments using this model of access rely on a storage level backup and replication solution alongside a manual restore process. The FSLogix agent is still creating the containers, its merely iterating through the list to find one to create it on. Is there a way to manipulate the script to do it in this way? It's critical to locate the local cache VHD(x) on storage that is highly available and high performing. If you want active-active HA, use cloud cache. Changing the location of the log file, it is required to reboot the system or restart the FSLogix Service. 1: OneDrive cache is redirected to the container. FSLogix doesnt change the game when using VHDLocations regarding Active-Active architectures for solutions such as Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops, and the same rules apply that would to any profile solution, the key here is architecting around this limitation in a supported fashion probably a dedicated write up by itself at some point. When set to 0, users are always allowed to sign in even if no Cloud Cache providers are available. Even before the Microsoft acquisition, FSLogix was a popular solution, however now that it is effectively an entitlement for the majority of customers, its use will be greatly increased. Issue: VHDX profile gets DISCONNECTED at exactly 10 Hours mark. How this script can be used with Cloud cache? These steps need to be completed on all VMs. So, we need to remove our GPO setting using VHD locations, and then set our CCD locations. If a user signs in with no available providers, FSLogix assumes that one or more Cloud Cache providers become available prior to the user signing out.

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fslogix multiple vhd locations