Then go and take a bath with cool water. This also defines Erzulie's devotion to the taking on of the sorrows of the world. This iconography describes Mary, the mother of Jesus, as experiencing the seven sorrows in her life: the presentation of Jesus at the Temple, fleeing to Egypt from Herods massacre of the innocents, the loss of Jesus in the Temple, Mary meeting Jesus on his walk to crucifixion, the crucifixion itself, the removal of Jesus from the cross, and the burial of Jesus. Dahomey specifically is where the original African Vodoun tradition began and is still practiced to this day. If you feel comfortable singing, you can sing a song to Erzulie or, alternatively, play a romantic song that you really like. you can petition for obstacles to be removed from between you and the person, or any other petition that you would like to accomplish. 33B Vaudou Kata (Instrument). If there is no water, sprinkle lotion (perfume), Ezili fre, li fre, li Freda (x2) Full size Erzulie's Bain Rose'd'Amour Pink Bath Kit, 1 Pink Male Candle Magick Kit (This kit includes pink male image candle, oil, herbs. She is strict. Copyright 1995-present, Samantha and Matthew Corfield, The Voodoo Boutique . So when you serve Freda, be careful. Prepare yourself for love spell work (or do during love spell work). The breast, the location of the heart, is symbolic of Erzulie's control over the heart and love. Use if you are working your love magick to attract a female. (These words are mainly in langaj, a mostly untranslatable mixture of languages used to call the Vodou spirits (the lwa) for their help. Say, "Mistress Erzulie Freda, please come drink with me. This reflects the syncretism of Erzulie with the Mater Dolorosa, the Mother of Sorrows, also previously described in this article. This is why Erzulie Freda is also a patron Lwa of mothers, particularly mothers with sick or hurt children, or lost children. If you do not have a lot to offer, she will understand. This is when I started working with Freda much more. God beholds her as innocent One thing about Danto is that she will give you a warning before she punishes you. Additionally, Erzulie is also a patron Lwa of men who are more feminine. Below is a list of hints and thoughts on how to use the products. Erzulie, your husband slept away from home! Because she is associated with the feminine, she is often the Lwa we seek to petition for beauty spells. She is fresh, she is cool, she is a white woman Items you need to provide (These are the items you will need to provide if you have the kit; if you do not have the kit, then you will need to provide other things as mentioned below. As with most lwa, she can be represented by images of a Catholic Saint. Well, guess what? She loves to drink champagne and white wine, but it is quite appropriate to offer her sparkling water, ginger ale, or even Spite or 7-Up. Many of you have asked to be able to donate a little bit to help cover the costs of the ritual. 1 Pink Female Candle Magick Kit (This kit includes pink female image candle, oil, herbs. Erzulie Deluxe Package Female She can be a bit of a drama Queen and enjoys encouraging fantasies, even if some are not realistic. She is a spirit of elegance and glamour. She is picky too! Cookie Notice Erzulie's Love Apple Incense If you are working towards wanting someone in particular to love you or return to you, write out how that might happen. Call on Papa Alegba: Say these words, "Papa Alegba, please open the gate and allow Mistress Erzulie Freda safe passage to assist me. God beholds her as innocent (731) $5.00. Another thing is, do not spoil her! As the female Lwa of love, sexuality, passion, pleasure, and prosperity, Erzulie is quite powerful in fulfilling these desires. in house, love spell ritual to the Vodou love goddess, Grand Mistress Erzulie Freda. I told her that if it wasnt done, I would throw away all her things. Erzulie's All That Glitters Love Oil is also now available separately! PRIVACY POLICY:, The Voodoo Boutique, Sheer Goddess and all related subsidiaries do NOT collect, sell, or use your information for any reason other than the conduction of normal It is inexpensive, but we also offer you just the ritual itself for free and you can provide your own materials. Who is Erzulie-Freda and the role she plays in the Vodou tradition by Erzulie's Voodoo in New Orleans. Voodoo Goddess painting of Erzulie-Freda by Anna, owner of Erzulies Voodoo, c. 2003. Who is Erzulie-Freda and the role she plays in the Vodou tradition by Erzulies Voodoo in New Orleans. with your intended. This is the ritual package for doing a one-time ritual to Erzulie. 30 Apr 2023 14:59:21 var s1=document.createElement("script"),s0=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; Do not, however, mistake this love of finery for greed. If you would like more information, please contact Emmanuel at any time. Her syncretic iconographical depiction is usually based on that of the Virgin and Child, because she is the mother of Ti. It is important to remember, also, that she cries so that you won't have to. Mambo Ezili Freda is best served on Thursday, which is her sacred day. Her three husbands are the lwa: Ogoun Feray, Danbala, and Met Agwe Tawoyo. You can use the remaining All That Glitters Erzulie Love oil in a bath or to anoint yourself or any items that you desire. Those things that are offered with a good heart are always accepted in kind by her. When Freda wants to work, she does so and she does so extremely well. Freda specifically is one of the more important of the family, alongside her sister Dantor. Light your three incense cones. Print out a copy of your letter and read it aloud to her during a ritual of your own making, if you desire! You will receive approximately 1/2 pound of incense plus a free incense burner. the energy of magick. Erzulie Freda is a member of the Rada family. The rose petals go on top of the veve, the love spangles are not on the veve but rather surrounding it like a border. The fact that she often dissolves into tears is misinterpreted as her being dissatisified with what is given to her. Mambo Ezili Freda rules over the heart, and because of this her veve (ritual drawing) is that of a heart with beautiful detailing. She bought Ezili a foot tall statue of Mater Dolorosa, some extra bottles of perfume, and some other beautiful objects including a ring. Please take all fire precautions. A gracious, luxurious, and refined lwa (Vodou Spirit), Erzulie epitomizes femininity, love, passion, and is called upon often for favors regarding one's love affairs. Purpose of Kit: To petition and honor the great Vodou love goddess, Erzulie Freda; to ask for love and passion to come into your life; to strengthen a love that is already in your life but may be damaged or not as strong as you would like it to be; to ask for the repair of a broken love relationship; or any love or romance purpose your desire. This wonderful incense was created for our Erzulie Ritual Pack and you loved it so much that it is now available on its own. She likes to eat white rice, fish, sweet rice pudding, white wine, white grapes, and melon. Love spangles (little love symbols that sparkle). Erzulie has a strong wrath for people who break their word. Erzulie takes on the sorrow of the world and tries to filter and lessen it through her own tears. Vacuum the carpet, or sweep the floor, wash the walls, and dust the ceiling. Couleur: Blanc Parfum: Florida, Pompi. Another misrepresentation of Erzulie is that she is flighty and unable to stay with one man. (This is our philosophy for ALL lwa!) Vodouisants, Voodoo initiates, who are devoted to Erzulie go through a ceremony where they are married to her. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Another misrepresentation of Erzulie is that she is flighty and unable to stay with one man. Invoke Erzulie Freda: Say the words in quotes below. Take the rose petals (If you do not have the kit, you should obtain rose petals. The Vodouisant then spends the night with Erzulie, together in their matrimonial bed. Most often, the Mater Dolorosa (sorrowful mother), is used to represent Erzulie. Just write from your heart and ask her what you would like to happen in your love life. As Ezili Dantor she does, which we will see in the article on Ezili Dantor. Start your letter out with "Dear Erzulie" and then feel free to ask or tell her anything. This reflects a traditional hairstyle worn by women. Erzulie's Love Apple Incense is now available! Ezili she is fresh, she is cool, she is Freda Riches, wealth, abundance, romantic love, and luxury items. Choose one song that you really like and play it over a few times until you feel very warm and immersed in the feelings of love that this song brings up. She will intrude on other Lwas tables and even in your own space. The three gold rings that most Erzulie altars have on them represent these three marriages. You see, there is some debate if Erzulie is one Lwa with many forms, or if there are many Erzulie. For the in house ritual, we ask that you email a letter asking for the help of Erzulie Freda with your love situation (see link below). Erzulie Standard Package Female Enhance an existing love. In Voodoo, as well as in other African diasporic traditions, this means she is also associated with water, particularly with running water in rivers. Parran Matt and Mambo Sam will do this ritual on everyone's behalf every Valentine's Day. Take a bath before serving her. If you are working with the group mind, simple write about all those that you don't know but you are all helping each other. Due to this, Metres Ezili wears three gold rings, one for each of her husbands. These things may be kept together and used to call upon Erzulie at any time. Please see above for the ritual kit. Nourriture: riz blanc, lait, uf, pigeon blanc, farine, sirop de miel, gteau, douce (sucre la crme) l'hatienne. Like with many Lwa, Erzulie has a darker side. Freda was one of the most beautiful wealthiest white woman that ever lived. In catholic she's known under Saint Therese, Fatima, our lady of Mercedes, mater dolorosa, virgin Guadalupe, saint rose de lima, our lady of Lourdes, immaculate conception. You could have a marathon day where you use all the products in one day - sending out a rush of power towards your goal. Do not be afraid to petition her outside of her known realm of love. Ezili O! These products are meant to serve and honor Erzulie while also asking for her One of her Haitian songs is: Ezili fre, li fre, li Freda It can be as simple as, "I (or we) need love." Don't worry about accents or pronounciation. Sacred Fragrance of Erzulie Freda. During ritual possession, she may enter the body of either a man or a woman. Erzulie Freda is the Vodou and New Orleans Voodoo goddess of love. Some people think that Ezili Freda is all peace, love, fluffiness, and sweetness. She loves men, and hugs and kisses them. provide for loved ones, etc. (But her products can be used anytime!) I will have you know that Ezili Freda is an extremely powerful Mambo. Prepare yourself for love spell work (or do during love spell work). This is a feminist Loa family who display every aspect of femininity that could or would be expected, with suitable titles so that you know what mood they are in. Spoiled and lazy. Say the invocation three times or until you feel comfortable that you have said it enough: Hold your drink offering up to the East, then the West, then the North, then the South. Our work and the usage of our services is extremely confidential in nature. It will be immediately apparent to people from all cultures that this is a symbol of love. Freda will not tell you that something is coming, in fact, she will smile at you and tell you everything is fine too! Spotlessness is something to remember when dealing with Metres. This misinformation comes from the knowledge of her three marriages; once to Ogoun, once to Agwe, and once to Papa Legba (a belief in our New Orleans tradition; in Haitian tradition her third husband is Damballah). But whatever you do, dont. As the Mater Dolorosa's appearance with a sword through her heart represents her sorrow over the crucifixion of her son, so Erzulie's sorrow is for all the world's trials and tribulations. Just the simple lighting of a pink candle and repeating your desires to Erzulie will help tremendously. Sprinkle the area with cool water, Florida water, and Pompeii lotion. If you desire to use an altar cloth, it should be pink, white, gold or any combination of those colors. (1.5k) What we see here is another aspect of Erzulie: her role in the healing of sick children. Writing things down also begins the process of harnassing However, if at all possible, and it is safe for you to do so, burn the veve and your petitions. Ezili O, she doesnt eat people anymore She may also be petitioned if you are need of financial help, especially if this involves taking care of your children, family, or others. Oh oh oh! Because Erzulie is a Lwa of wedding and relationships, she is also said to be a Lwa of promises. petitions being sent in for the ritual that was done here at our office on Valentine's Day. A gracious, luxurious, and refined lwa (Vodou Spirit), Erzulie epitomizes femininity, love, passion, and is called upon often for favors regarding one's love affairs. It wasnt until several years later, when it came to me, that I learned how to correctly serve and work with Freda. Like many Lwa, she has an animal that she is associated with and may appear as: the serpent. I find the veve of Erzulie to be one of the more intuitive veves. She is also a Lwa that can be easily prone to jealousy over her servitors and men. Voodoo, as with Santeria, Candomble, Palo Mayombe and Obeah, among other religions, is a diasporic tradition from Africa. To please Erzulie, make whatever decorations you use very much concerned with love, frilly things, etc. Her softly closed eyes transport us to a world of seductive visions. As the female Lwa of love, sexuality, passion, pleasure, and prosperity, Erzulie is quite powerful in fulfilling these desires. That if she was to stay here she needed to earn her keep as everyone else does. It means in the metaphorical sense such as "someone is getting eaten alive" by someone else.). Here are some to show you the richness of this lwa: Ezili O Kay la mande oze (x3) You can repeat this ritual at any time using candles and incense you have or purchase. Use if you are working your love magick to attract a male. Click Heart to Order - $59.95 Sale Price: $49.95 In fact, most of the magick that I conduct on Fredas point bears results in three days! These letters will then be put upon a special altar (see below for a picture of last year's altar) honoring Erzulie and a ritual to her will be done. As with most lwa, she is a complex spirit having lived many lifetimes to evolve to her present state. If you only want the ritual itself, please click here. She, of course, has happy, wonderful, flirty appearances, also. Si nen pwen dlo, oze lavek loksyon., Ezili O, the house needs sprinkling Below is a song to Erzulie with a focus on fortune and luck. Try to maintain a main altar for her, and do not let it overflow into your space. Erzulie is often said to be one of his most beloved songs. Li pa manje moun anko That is such an injustice to her! For more information, please see our These products are meant to serve and honor Erzulie while also asking for her Both men and women partake in this rite. Before services to Erzulie, it is recommended to pamper yourself. A simple space can be used to do this ritual or you may desire to do something more elaborate with decorations, etc., as described below. Then there is Erzulie Toho, and Erzulie Mapiangue and she also . Again, that is not about money; she is about aesthetics! Check out our budget-friendly spells! Ezili fre, li fre, li Freda I served her anyway. Ezili she is fresh, she is cool, she is Freda Erzulie Freda knows she isn't Oshun or Babalon, so people getting upset about beads made for Oshun, or a rosary made by a Thelemite for Babalon, but sold to the public and residing on my Freda altar, can get mad if it makes them feel better. ), Specialty Products/Rituals by Sister Bridget, Specialty Products/Rituals by Brother Menfo.

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