If the Koch brothers say they gave a big donation, and you believe them, it's fairly safe to say it wasn't to Obama. This company could donate money to a Federal PAC like the National Restaurant Association, but those donations would be limited and would have to be raised from the company's employees. The most direct way to give money to a single candidate is to donate to his re-election committee, which would finance most of the things associated with campaigns, like advertising, hotel rooms, staff, and gas for the campaign bus. Web$100 limit on cash contributions A campaign may not accept more than $100 in cash from a particular source with respect to any campaign for nomination for election, or election Candidates and committees may retain anonymous contributions up to$500 or 1 percent of the total contributions received in a calendar year, whichever is greater. You're using Internet Explorer, some features might not work. Anonymous donations are influenced by your wish to retain your anonymity and expectations for future donations. This, however, has a price. The content of this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly. But I do believe you can do things about the method of donation (ie. While all contributions must be deposited within 10 days, the date of deposit is not used for reporting or contribution limit purposes. 2. It is the business of the reporter to know how to handle the A little privacy invading but not nearly as much as the current system. Allowed HTML tags:

how to donate to political campaign anonymously