Take one of the already Blessed Grapes and rub a Sign of the Cross on the fresh grape while saying: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, Amen. Each grape must be blessed that way. In case of contagious diseases (pestilences, plagues, others) anoint the doors and windows with holy oil. October 08 2015, Beloved children, Misused science has penetrated the pharmacological industries so these will dare create vaccines contaminated with viruses so human beings will carry death or diseases with them. Note: A separate post specific on medicinal plants has been published here. Our Mother has warned us beforehand to keep food reserves well-protected, since the events of nature will strike humanity hard. MESSAGE OF SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL Who is like God? The appetites of taste with respect to food must be controlled. November 05 2014, You shouldnt be surprised, My children, of My Calls through My Prophet. Continue in the assurance that our King and Lord Jesus Christ loves and protects you. Be conscious of this instant prior to great events marking the definitive course of humanity that has separated itself from God. Prepare yourselves, beloved People of God, growing in the gifts of the Holy Divine Spirit (Is 11:1-4):THE GIFT OF WISDOM: in which charity shines and the creature understands that God's Plan must be exalted above all things and must not be hindered. He has called us to store many things in hermetic containers to be able to get through those times, those moments. Message to Luz de Maria - 23 December 2019 - World Messages Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Dearly beloved children of My Immaculate Heart: I BLESS YOU, PEOPLE OF MY SON, EACH ONE OF YOU INDIVIDUALLY. Incredible! Prophecy given to Luz De Maria concerning the - YouTube Quin como Dios, nadie como Dios! PROTECT YOUR FAMILIES: THE WAY OF MY CHILDREN IS A WAY OF GLORY, A WAY OF FAITHFULNESS TO THE MOST HOLY TRINITY, A WAY AGAINST THE CURRENT OF THE WORLD THE WAY OF ALREADY, BUT NOT YET. Children, I warn you about this., Most Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Mara The moment will come when you will have to gather in small communities and you know it., Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de Mara Los terremotos (4) sern devastadores en algunos pases alrededor de la Tierra. THE GREAT FOOD INDUSTRIES POISON THE BODYS SYSTEM OF MY CHILDREN, WITHOUT THEM BEING AWARE OF IT. Amados hijos Mos, les mantengo en Mi Corazn. The one (it can be a Pope, a Cardinal, a Bishop, a Priest), who changes those words has embraced heresy and Jesus is not present on the altar. El astro sol (5) ha variado su temperatura, as la Tierra recibir mayor calor y mayores tormentas que llegarn a la Tierra y afectarn a la vez a Mis hijos. PASSIVITY IS A STRONG TENTACLE OF THE ANTICHRIST, HE CRUSHES THE PEOPLES. Se desideri collaborare e aiutarci a tradurli, inviaci une-mail nel nostro modulo di contatto. The Most Blessed Mother responds: message de saint michel archange luz de mara le 18 aot 2019. peuple de dieu: les bndictions et l'aide du ciel ne se font pas attendre pour ceux qui, humblement, demandent l'aide de la maison du pre et de notre reine et mre du ciel et de la terre (psaume 120), pendant que les ennemis de l'me se dplacent en toute libert sur la terre entire en vue de perdre les mes. 11,40). Do not believe everything the large industries present to you: Delve deeper, learn about the production and the elements that comprise it, because those who think they own humanity on Earth have prepared their god money to contaminate My Sons People, not only through the food, but also through other means which are presented to improve your health but in reality they are meant to cause your health to decline. You will rule over our minds through our deep and living faith. FASTING IS AN IMPEDIMENT FOR THE DEVIL. The different ways, Pope Francis says he did not lose consciousness before hospitalization in March, Ukraines prime minister asks Pope Francis to help bring back children taken to Russia, Ambassador Habsburg: Pope Francis will find a vibrant Christian country in Hungary, Pope Francis: There is no vocation without mission, Vatican announces laypeople, including women, will vote in Synod on Synodality assembly, Pope Francis: Monks and nuns are the beating heart of evangelization, Vatican preparing text for divorced and remarried couples, Cardinal Farrell says, El Papa en oracin en Santa Mara La Mayor a su regreso de Hungra, Papa: La Santa Sede trabajar para que los nios ucranianos llevados a Rusia sean devueltos, La fe y el conocimiento nacen juntos para construir una civilizacin ms humana, El Papa: Tambin hoy existe riesgo de ideologas que no dan libertad, Monseor Szkely: El Papa nos invita a conjugar la defensa de los valores con la caridad, Francisco: Den a los jvenes un futuro de paz y esperanza, no de guerra, Ouganda: un nouvel vque Kasana-Luweero, Nigeria: le Pape nomme un vque auxiliaire Calabar, Cardinal Erd: la venue du Pape a renforc la solidarit et la dignit de lidentit, Franois: le Saint-Sige uvrera pour le retour des enfants ukrainiens emmens en Russie, Devant le monde universitaire hongrois, le Pape invite dvelopper l'humanisme, L'glise byzantine hongroise honore par le Pape, Messe du Pape Budapest: ouvrons les portes dans la lumire de lvangile, Salute, ambiente e lavoro non possono escludersi a vicenda, l'impegno della CEI, Festa di Santa Rita 2023. MY BELOVED PEOPLE, THE WARNING IS APPROACHING AND THE HEARTS ARE NOT MOVED FOR THE LACK OF DISSEMINATION OF THIS ACT OF MY MERCY FOR MY PEOPLE. The Earth is completely sick and you feed yourselves with sick fruits, serious consequence of the abuse of man towards Creation that the Father bequeathed to you, you ingest adulterated foods and do not worry about it., Most Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Mara AS MOTHER, I ASK YOU OBSERVE, AS PART OF YOUR DIET FOR LIFE, THE DAILY NEED TO INGEST VITAMIN C, TO INGEST RAW GARLIC OR GINGER DAILY., Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de Mara Beloved, as a Mother who sees beyond what you see, I ask you to eat the BLACKBERRY. 12:7-10); I will defend it again with my Heavenly Legions, and all human beings will see the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of our Queen and Mother, "who will crush the head of the infernal serpent" (Gen. 3:15). Oren hijos Mos, mantngase alerta, la guerra no se encuentra en el olvido. Gen. 3,15) JUNTO A MI AMADO SAN MIGUEL ARCNGEL Y A LAS LEGIONES CELESTIALES Y CON USTEDES, HIJOS. I WILL BE SEVERE WITH THOSE WHO DO NOT WARN MY OWN ABOUT THE EVENTS THAT ARE DRAWING NEAR OR IS IT THAT YOU DO NOT BELIEVE MY MOTHER? YOUR BODIES ARE TEMPLES OF THE HOLY SPIRIT AND YOU MUST PROTECT THEM AND TAKE CARE OF THEM, NOT ONLY WITH GOOD CHRISTIAN BEHAVIOR, BUT ALSO WITH A CORRECT AND HEALTHY NUTRITION. AND AMONG ITS SNARES, ARE THE SECTS, NEW AGE, FREEMASONRY, THE ILLUMINATI, WITCHCRAFT AND EVERYTHING CONTRARY TO THE GOSPEL., The Blessed Mother announced to me a disease that will attack the nervous and immune system causing serious problems on the skin, for which she told me to use the leaf of the NETTLE and GINKGO plants., Most Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Mara THE PURIFICATION WAS TRACED BY THE HIERARCHY OF MY CHURCH BY EVADING THE REQUESTS OF MY MOTHER. Her light brown hair was down with waves that seemed to play with a slight breeze that always precedes Her arrival. Freemasonry is readying itself to present the great impostor to Humanity, the antichrist, and you, being ignorant about the antichrist, will rise up towards him as if he were Me. Thank You and GOD BLESS for all You do for us sinners ME Oren hijos Mos, oren para que no teman, sino se fortalezcan en el Amor Divino. Beloved Mine: You have welcomed with the rest of mankind a comfortable diet, but so harmful to the human organism that it is continually destroyed and silently sick. WHAT THE DEVIL IS LOOKING FOR IS PRIDE IN ORDER TO SETTLE WITHIN CREATURES AND TO HARDEN THEIR HEARTS. Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de Mara Be part of the communion of Saints.WHO IS LIKE GOD? Use the sacramentals and do not cease to pray the Holy Rosary through which you receive infinite blessings., Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de Mara Mans psyche is affected, impairing his behavior at all instants; he reacts and acts unduly in a constant state of folly directed by the demons. Alimenten la Fe (1) y el amor hacia Mi Divino Hijo Deben creerlo sin titubear, deben mantener esa Fe de que el Demonio no puede si ustedes no desean. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT - Jesus Christ to Luz de Maria - "By Divine COMMENTARY BY LUZ DE MARIA. Message from Saint Michael the Archangel - AfterTheWarning.com Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Mystic Luz de Maria: Plan to depopulate the Earth IN THIS THIRD FIAT, YOU CANNOT CONSOLIDATE AND ENTER INTO THE CALL THAT THE MOST HOLY TRINITY MAKES TO YOU, IF YOU ARE NOT HUMBLE. You will not manage to advance if you welcome whatever comes to mind. MY CHURCH IS PURIFIED AND WILL BE IN THE BURNING CRUCIBLE FOR THOSE WHO DELIVER MY PEOPLE INTO THE HANDS OF THE IMPOSTOR. October 07 2016, THIS GENERATION WILL SUFFER TO THE UTMOST AT THE HANDS OF THOSE WHO RISE UP THE ANTICHRIST AGAINST MY SONS PEOPLE, as a result of the lasting action of freemasonry, the illuminati, communism, rebellion, falsehood, lack of Faith and satanism which has infiltrated in the Church of My Son, provoking the tentacles of evil to be ruthlessly activated against all Humanity. Luz de Mara: Messages and Prophecies - Jesus & Maria Site I call you to pray and make reparation for young people. Si la Fe es verdadera, fuerte, convencida y la criatura est convertida puede ser tentada, pero no vencida. Como Madre estoy protegindoles, tnganlo presente. We ask the Immaculate Heart of Mary and our glorious protector, St. Joseph, to offer You this family consecration of ours. My children, HOW HAVE YOU ALLOWED THE FILM INDUSTRY, WITH ITS MEAN TRICKS, WITH ITS POISONED DARTS, TO DESTROY WHAT THE HEAVENLY FATHER CREATED TO LIVE WORTHILY ON THIS EARTH?, Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de Mara In the twinkling of an eye you will find yourselves in chaos, The blood moon foreshadows humanitys progress toward its purification. Thank You and GOD BLESS. I call you to unite, to unify and intensify the fraternity, I call you to collect the Messages in which My Mother or I have given you the natural medicines necessary to face the great pests, plagues, diseases and chemical contaminations to which you, as Humanity, will be exposed, for it is not only Nature that rebels against man, but also those who, with petty and selfish interests, have conspired to exterminate a large part of humanity. Then you store the grapes that are blessed in sterilized jar and afterwards in each jar pour wine or brandy, no other liquor. At the same time we will console and comfort ourselves with the thought that the time will come when our whole family will be united lovingly with You in heaven forever. SHUT YOUR HOMES AND DO NOT EXPOSE YOURSELVES TO THE OPEN AIR WHEN YOU SEE STRANGE FORMS IN THE ATMOSPHERE. May we delivered for all bondages and come to the love of Christ and Sacramental life. Messages to Luz de Maria - England | World Messages - Little Pebble Christ indicates to us that we must seek a priest and ask him for the blessing of a cluster of grapes or for one single grape, since one blessed grape can feed two people and therefore survive without food, if you have Faith and the creature is properly prepared; this will help for the times of food shortage. This first happened, she shared, on Good Friday: "Our Lord asked me if I wanted to participate in His sufferings. THOUGH IT DOESNT MEAN SHE KNOWS EVERYTHING, ONLY THE COMING EVENTS THAT I ALLOW HER TO KNOW, BUT NOT THE DATES OF THE EVENTS. He will make My children suffer with the most terrible persecution. No more of extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist, no more of Communions in the hand! Tuesday, October 30, 2018, message to Fr. Plantes mdicinales indiques par le Ciel Luz de Maria We are called to stay waiting confidently; life does not stop, everything continues, but from the one to whom much has been entrusted, even more will be demanded (cf. COMPARTIR. I, . "Con esta luz", se titula el documental cinematogrfico que da vida a la historia de la religiosa Sor Mara Rosa, quien ayud a ms de 90 mil nios hondureos a escapar de la pobreza y los abusos, educndolos hasta convertirlos en hombres y mujeres de bien al servicio de la sociedad. The Devil is especially attacking the institution of the family (2). We are called to stay waiting confidently; life does not stop, everything continues, but "from the one to whom much has been entrusted, even more . SUSCRBETE Y RECIBE INFORMACIN ESPECIAL Y DE PRIMERA MANO, Copyright © All rights reserved | REVELACIONES MARIANAS, Libro sobre el Santo Rosario, descargar, Sobre plantas medicinales dadas por el Cielo, leer. Semana Santa del ao 1991, primera vez que se manifest con sangre la imagen de la Reina de la Paz en el hogar de Luz de Mara, las mismas continan hasta el presente. My interests should be yours. The brandy is used as a preservative. Receive Me in My Body and My Blood, properly prepared, with full awareness of the need for a real amendment. 1,3; I Pe. Ask blessed Mother to pray for healing of my family tree, forgiveness of all departed souls and blessing of living blood relations. 19 DE MARZO DEL 202332 AOS DE CAMINO ESPIRITUAL. It is different when My children are united and in a single Heart, then they are strong. This generation will be transformed spiritually after committing grave errors towards itself, having denied the Most Holy Trinity and our Queen and Mother. My Maternal Love helps you, and every cry of yours means that I immediately go looking to assist you. I resolve to receive Holy Communion on the first Saturday of every month when possible, and to offer daily five decades of the Rosary, with all my sacrifices in the spirit of penance and reparation. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. ALL KNEEL AND PRAY TOGETHER. Do not forget to keep in your homes the blessed grape in My Name for the instants of shortage.

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luz de maria 2019