25. Can you see? 185. Did Inspector Gadget have a mustache?? 85. 123. It sends out notifications when someone sends a message to Discord so you will always know what is going on. I meet people all the time who cant quote a single passage in the Bible (We elected one such person to be POTUS! OH wait??? Truth is primary and should be accepted and we should learn how to embrace hard truths. He made a beautiful habitat of gorgeous flowers, plants, and mountains, and hills. That is where this picture came from. Lets do the work necessary.Research. English is still English in spite of the illiterate, cried 196: Revelation 5 And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a "SCRLL" written within and on the backside, sealed with seven sealsOR 5 And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a "BOOK" written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals?? God Made Man M.E. All power is only a true description of God Almighty. It should not be so. Continue reading Its Time I Showed You The Strong Delusion Close up & The Mark of The Beast-Forehead. C. Al Pacino's famous quote "I'm out of order? Continue reading Baptism-Roman 6 full of blasphemy. The calf and the yearling will be safe with the lion. 61. So, once again, WHY do so many know it as trespass? Life is eternal. The plague is upon all who took the shot. What?. This verse in Daniel 7 says: he will think to change times (thats history) and laws (thats the scriptures). In other words, hes been planning it all this time. How is this happening? They therefore replaced it with the Hebrew word ADONAI, English LORD, ostensibly to honour God, but actually hiding the revealed Name from the people, for whom it was given. Matthew has been with Geek Insider for several years and is the Managing Editor and 1 half of the Geek Speak podcast & radio show team. WebThis list of mandela effect Bible change examples that will blow your mind. What kind of van was the terrorist driving in Back to the Futurea minivan or VW bus?? KJV Study Guide, The Abomination of Desolation and Supernatural Bible Changes is now available on Amazon! As opposed to the belt of Truth the book changed from. tmonth=new Array("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"); No judgement or opinion on the fact, just something many have noticed and I figured you should be aware of. Forgives us our "trespass" or forgive us our "debts"..?? 141. OR all the "NATIONS" of the earth be blessed?? Star TrackDid anyone ever say "Beam me up Scotty"?? Prior to the agreement with Hell that men made these creatures had to be invited into a man. 162. 1 Peter 2:7 Unto you therefore which believe he is precious: but unto them which be disobedient, the stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the "CORNER STONE" OR the stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of the corner?? GetClock(); Dose the famous painting of King Henry show him holding in Turkey Leg?? (Yes, I understand were also dealing with tradition and interpretation, but my assertion stands as related to those blanket statements.). James Bond (Moonraker) 1979 did Dolly have braces or no braces.?? End of days prophecy. From a $10,000 original painting to one with the now inappropriate name of Isaiah, and of course church windows (check out this one on the second row, far right), and even the Vatican museum has this pairing together. To exhaust or tire someone or something. In fact, in Vacation Bible School we were even rewarded for our memorization. Term Holy place in the Strongs Exhaustive Concordance in that particular scripture is defined as a passage in a book.. Is the thinking man statue's hand on his forehead or on his chin?? EYA talks about Bible Changes and Supernatural Changes taking place, as well as Mind Programming. Star Wars"Luke I am your father" or "NO I am your father"..?? We are living in a time of great evil and highly prophetic end times. In the beginning was the bible and the bible was with God and the bible was God. Surely, it is black magic. The question is if you can see these deceptions as the lies they are or if this will lead you to being a part of the great falling away. 96. WebMandela Effect Book of Enoch - The End Salvation Forum More Use tab to navigate through the menu items. This why they sought to kill Him, for blasphemy, for claiming to be divine, one with the Father. NO we are not baptized into his death! Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord GOD, That I will send a famine on the land, Not a famine of bread, Nor a thirst for water, But of hearing the words of the LORD. 133. Volkswagon OR Volkswagen. 127. Bible is Nearly Cooked. He enjoys relaxing at home near Austin, Texas with his new bride and their furbaby horde, and when he's not editing, writing, or broadcasting, he can usually be found watching movies and vegging in his recliner. Example: Now with these supernaturally changed King James version bible scriptures Jesus is the giver of death-a lie. The lion shall lay down with the lamb. Don't claim to be a map Field of dreams "if you build it they will come" or if you build it HE will come..?? Join the Remnant List. So many things have changed but we remember the truth. But patience sounds like patients, right? Thanks John! 175. JawsWe're going to need a bigger boat or YOUE'R going to need a bigger?? Whoever they worship above God is on the forehead now says the seer Jazweeh. Whoever wrote it saw the creature nesting in the hair and consummated to the face. I. A third novel is due out very soon. Queen.JUST we are the championsOR we are the champions of the world?? Is there a specific symbolism for the wolf that we should be worried about? People from various parts of the world, from different faiths, all misremembering the same verses the same way? who sees the Mandela effects, the full extent of the supernatural bible changes, and the strong delusion lying over the many who do not see into my duel timeline. The Beast Systems Demoralization of Gods Children, EPHESIANS 2 DEBAUCHERY Mandela Effect Bible Changes Commentary. As a Cultural Observer, I think Ive also noticed the Mandela Effect often slips into the faith and beliefs of many Christians. The immune system thinks its getting instructions and road maps from its own body. Biblical Changes: (There are hundreds of Bible changes BUT here is the most notable one's!! WebThe video below covers changes to the KJV Bible and was censored from YouTube for misinformation Unknown This is dubbed the Mandela Effect, also known as Lying Signs and Wonders. The TSBC Group will NEVER ask for money from anyone. Though it has no legs. document.getElementById('clockbox').innerHTML=""+tday[nday]+", "+tmonth[nmonth]+" "+ndate+", "+nyear+" "+nhour+":"+nmin+":"+nsec+ap+""; We also have the full list of New Mandela Effects 2021. Not new editions. Its unreal, but absolutely happening. God in Heaven help us all. Its setting up the animal beast dna in fast cellular expression. ), 177. Casablanca did he ever say the line "Play it again Sam"?? Word SCIENCE Is Now twice In the KJVB, Proof That the God of This World Has Control of All Bibles, Words Demon, Demons Are No Longer In Any KJVB, Mark of the Beast. if(nsec<=9) nsec="0"+nsec; I clearly have never seen such a supernatural occurrence in my life! He Gave them Up to a Reprobate Mind & Beast System Marriage. There is truly a famine in the land for hearing The Words of the Lord. A. In the end of days all mysteries shall be revealed unto the chosen few. 194. The word vesture is new. Right arm or forehead is what the bibles used to say (pretty sure). Crossman air pistol are Crosman air pistol. Continue reading Why God Took His Inspired Written Words From Earth. Is the North Pole a land mass' ice cap or is the North Pole just water?? I dont have the passages in front of me, but look up his statues.. nd then ask how the eff did we not know this?. The only thing we ask is that you please continue to warn the flock about the times we are in. The beast has done its job very well. 115. Which direction does the prohibited sign goright to left OR left to right?? The covenant with many, come to find out was a pact made between powerful ruling class men/woman & Demonic ruling class demons. Do you remember that verse in Isaiah 11:6? In 750 BC, the prophet Amos made some startling prophecies about the word of God disappearing. John 14:6 I am the way, the truth and the light OR I am the way, the truth and the life?? WEAR OUT has replaced VEX. I think its created a culture of hatred and aggresion toward LGBTQ people, and led to physical violence against the LGBTQ community. And it was. if(nyear<1000) nyear+=1900; Yes, there are hundreds of things that have changed in the Bible in the years that I've been observing the Mandela effect and it's not just in the English version but there are also hundreds of thousands of other Mandela effects in our universe that aren't about the Bible. Heres the problem: the quotes were never spoken.Though people are adamant, all of those quotes aremisremembered. var d=new Date(); (559), Wedding Supper of The Lamb & Bride of Christ VANISHED From Most Bibles (500), Holy Spirit Inoculation for Corona (Kronos) Virus (Coronavirus) (500), King James Supernatural Bible Change Log part 2 2020 (469), 2020-2021 KJV Bible Change Log Part 1 (419), The Spiritual and Physical Desecration of all Human Bodies via The Mortician-Embalmer (414), Its Time I Showed You The Strong Delusion Close up & The Mark of The Beast-Forehead (391), Farewell Old English King James Version (384), Why God Took His Inspired Written Words From Earth (374). 70. Scan this QR code to download the app now, https://www.facebook.com/MandelaEffectPhotos/posts/1258147630971916. 174. Continue reading Now that the Bibles are All Corrupt as HELL. Use the search on that website to find any topics like forehead mark of the beast or back scene (a rhyme code) the other mark. As a prominent Pastor in Alabama, he privately struggled with homosexuality, undergoing numerous methods to change what hed been taught was evil. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, 104. He sent to them a great book of words inspired by Him given to men to write. Amos said: 8:11 Behold, the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord: 12 And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east, (it was south) they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the Lord, and shall not find it. C. Did google have a lower-case g or an upper-case G?? A. B. Elton John "your song" lyrics saidHow wonderful life is now you're in the world OR How wonderful life is while you're in the world?? For God so loved the world, that He sent His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. I am not the only one who has seen the wing of abomination & Locust. They have chosen the lie and prefer it. ""God helps those who help themselves. G. Did Clint Eastwood (Dirty Harry) say "Do YOU feel lucky, well do you punk!!" He is eternal, unchanging and all powerful and His Words never fail, they are settled in heaven. Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and lying signs and wonders. Dose The Vitruvian Man by Leonardo DaVinci have 4 arms or 6?? The third person of I AM in Hebrew is YAHWEH. That isnt what is says is it? function GetClock(){ 161. The hour is very short. Was Michelangelos painting of the Sistine chapel have God's hand reach down to Adams OR Was Adams hade higher reaching strait across?? WebThis list of mandela effect Bible change examples that will blow your mind. God sat back and left the children of the land to enjoy one another. Jiffy peanut butter or "Jiff " peanut butter?? If it's Geeky, Cheeky, or Downright Freaky, chances are he knows at least a little something about it. Most can confidently cite the show or movie, perhaps even the character who said it. if(nmin<=9) nmin="0"+nmin; Well, if youre like myself and apparently numerous others in this world, you remember a certain king of the jungle. One of the most well-known examples of the Mandela Effect is the collective memory of a movie called "Shazaam" that starred the actor/comedian Sinbad in the 1990s. More people are trying to read it than ever before. else if(nhour==12){ap=" PM";} Most Stunning Article by Jazweeh. In fact, that whole section of this verse is new to the mass majority who, like myself, recall this as only For you shall not worship any other God, for the Lord is a jealous God. Creating insults to God and man by lying scripture that alleges the prophets and God and angels are whiners. I get it we have been deceived by the Legion/religion who is the Great Harlot. Cartoons: 145. ""God works in mysterious ways. Was it Johnny Quest or was it Jonny Quest?? AS IT WAS: Genesis 1:20 And God said, Let the Waters bring forth sh to move in them, and fowl that may y above the waters and earth, in the open rmament of heaven; (KJV Verse changed to promote evolution abundantly the moving creature that hath life was added to the verse water and was removed How to Kill a Mockingbird OR To Kill a Mockingbird??. tmonth=new Array("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"); Mr. Rogers "It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood" or it's a beautiful day in THIS neighborhood..?? Jesus was sinless and that gave Him the power over death and hell that He shares with us. } He looked upon it and said It is Good. six nail size holes, two in the chin, two in the checks & two above the eyebrows!! JESUS DIED THAT WE MAY HAVE LIFE (life period) AND HAVE LIFE MORE ABUNDANTLY.. 98. The other pictures are drawings by Jazweeh who sees the creatures in real time. But it is not out of the Bible, at least not as a direct quote. Do NOT read of this supernatural consummation of the Locust from the pit if you dont have emotional coping skills. 76. if(nsec<=9) nsec="0"+nsec; You simply wont find one article or post anywhere about us asking for money or donations from ANYONE. (Where would we be today if people werent curious, in spite of the cat's demise?). I. Jack's Links Beef Jerky OR Jack Links Beef Jerky?? It is the strong delusion from 2nd Thessalonians Chapter two. 10. var nday=d.getDay(),nmonth=d.getMonth(),ndate=d.getDate(),nyear=d.getYear(); The lion is with a calf, a yearling, and a fattened calf, but not once is it mentioned as lying with the lamb. The ten commandments were written on stone tablesnot stone tablets. The wolf and the lamb. 51. Some of these are innocent.Some are innocuous.Some are insidious!But none are actually in the Bible! A greedy and adulterous generation seeks after a sign but no sign will be given, save the sign of the prophet Watchman Jonah. Just as Jonah was a watchman to Nineveh so too the watchman on the wall on Youtube proclaim the coming days of Gods wrath and end of days at hand to the people. Because it seems that the Bible has fallen victim to the infamous Mandela Effect and certain passages and words are not the way that many of us remember. Once your information is submitted and approved, you will receive a link to the list. The Mandela Effect is real! Here is evils armor of darkness. (. As the babble effect scours the English language trashing its articulate design for communication of mankind. Great article!!! This word, restrainer, can no longer be found within the KJV bible. When you bring them to the attention of someone fairly religious, e.g. To get in contact with us, you can either use discord (the link for this you can see scrolling down the homepage) or the TSBC Forums that is being developed currently. Transformers Dark SIDE of the Moon or "Dark of The Moon"?? Evil Knievel or Evel Knievel?? "This is not in the Bible! | Supernatural Bible Changes & Mandela Effect Join the Remnant List! By the way, Daniel 7:25 is the key verse that tells us whats happening to our bibles. twitter or instagram. Watch the video below for clear examples of Bible changes in the King James Version and be sure to follow along with your own Bible so you can see for yourself! Its pretty much horrifying for us who see it. Phililps spelled with two L's OR only one.Philips, 39. Play it again, Sam.Lucy, you got some splaining to do.Mirror, mirror on the wall.Beam me up, Scotty.Hello, Clarice.Luke, Im your father.. Payless Shoe Store or Payless Shoe Source?? 29 Vintage Collectible Toys Worth Digging Out of the Attic, User Beware! Of course, there are also some logical, scientific explanations. Not God The Father. Goats, serpents, fallen angel wings all these appear on foreheads. The Goats No Longer Have Access to Gods Powerful Words, Passive Insults toward God by Crieth, Cry, Cries Multiplied in KJV. Continue reading The Goats No Longer Have Access to Gods Powerful Words, Words Crying, criest, cry, cried Are multiplied in the KJV bibles. I have been covering these satanic changes to scripture since July 2016 on YouTube and have been censored multiple times because the truth shared is what they are trying to squelch. 82. John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall "set" you free! Was Madonna born with that name or was that her stage name and her real name was Louise Maria Cjccone?? Forrest Gump"Life is like a box of chocolates" orLife WAS like a box of chocolates..?? 99. Theres a word that was replaced! Mandela Effect KJVB Changes. Prince We're going to "Celebrate" this thing called lifeOR "get through this thing called life"?? To reach us by email: What we are seeing is an assault against the printed and audible Bible and more. 80. Side Note: There are many examples of this misremembering, and its interesting to look at them. 122. Yet these watchmen are not privy to the miraculous signs and wonders of prophecy that the chosen few can see happening in real time. ""God won't give us more than we can handle.". The Portrait of Dorian Gray OR The Picture of Dorian Gray?? My god its LITERAL BEAST mRNA come on! You would have to learn the translation to understand the ingredients which they made new words for to confound people. Luke 1:35 And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy "CHILD" which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of GodOR The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy "thing" which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God?? Sunday changed everything, but not in the way many people think. H. Pantne Shampoo (with the accent over the E) OR just Pantene?? I do think our Bible is being manipulated and only true children of God will remember and speak his true word. We cannot see anything beneficial about it except that they are protected from seeing scary Truth. If youve been down the Mandela Effect (ME) rabbit hole for awhile, youve likely seen and heard about all of these. 69. The desecration of the holy place. Rats are their favorite beast. Did Hannibal say "Hello Clarice" in Silence Of The Lambs?? Bible is Nearly Cooked, Now that the Bibles are All Corrupt as HELL, Why God Took His Inspired Written Words From Earth, Mandela Effect Amelia Airehart Now Earhart Fails in Her Journey Apparently, Supernatural KJV Bible Changes Log 2020-2021, The Beast System is Down Loading Fake History Into the Minds of Men, Witches in Heaven may forgive your Trespasses in KJVB., What of Those You-Tubers Who Say I see the KJV Supernatural changes Yet they Say Nothing?, Your Being Watched by the Elite by Your Own TV, Holy Spirit Inoculation for Corona (Kronos) Virus (Coronavirus), The Spiritual and Physical Desecration of all Human Bodies via The Mortician-Embalmer. Two woes and more are upon the Christians I see and the world for that matter. I grew up in the heart of the Bible Belt, where Churches are spaced about 3 blocks apart and supper almost always began with saying Grace. Why does God allow it? I think its easy to believe something because weve been taught we should believe it.Its comfortable to believe something because everybody believes this.. Youve likely seen countless renditions portrayed in your churchs stain-glass windows or statues at the local Christian book store. Are you awake yet? https://www.abominationdesolation.com/sitemap.html, by IP address to get to, Abomination of desolation is a prophecy that used to read desecration of the holy place. Luke 3:16 16 John answered, saying unto them all, I indeed baptize you with water; but one mightier than I cometh, the latchet of whose "sandals" I am not worthy to unloose: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire: OR John answered, saying unto them all, I indeed baptize you with water; but one mightier than I cometh, the latchet of whose "SHOES" I am not worthy to unloose: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire:?? God will abandon the desecrated temples of mans bodies. The new words are matching the madness in the world like with the words mentioned and the PLANdemic. The beast god of the bible is not hiding anymore. No one in a race runs with patience. And the rest of the armor of God. 117. Proverbs and old sayings are part of our culture, and permeate our general mentality. Go back to the beginning,when the first "Bubble" was posted, and read them in order. Contact with other people that see the supernatural bible changes is just a click away! WebHeres an example, one that I am often asked about in fact: The lion and the lamb shall lie down together.. And the seven angels came out of the temple, having the seven plagues, clothed in pure and white linen, and having their breasts girded with golden girdles. wth? What? The belief that God never puts more on us than we can handle is not helpful to a single mother whos just lost her job and wonders how shell feed her children, or to someone whos just been diagnosed with a life-threatening disease, or to a person suffering clinical depression. Herbal Essence or Herbal Essences ?? Luke 5:24 24 But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power upon earth to forgive sins, (he said unto the sick of the palsy,) I say unto thee, Arise, and take up thy mat, and go into thine house. The name Seth is vile. Arm yourself with knowledge of the beasts literary tactics behind the blasphemous desecration of Gods inspired words and you will then be privy to the abomination of desolation prophecy.

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mandela, bible changes list